Care Tips & Advice
Caring for your flowers - general advice:
- Position flowers away from direct heat and sunlight, as well as draughts.
- Be wary of placing flowers on top of any appliances that may generate even a small amount of heat.
I've received a beautiful bouquet, what should I do? How do I care for it?!
We're glad you asked. Your bouquet will have a wet-pack concealed in the base underneath the wrapping paper - this is generally made up of wet tissue paper inside a bio-degradable bag, although sometimes you may find a different wet-pack. The wet-pack will keep the flowers happy for a few hours, but beyond this they will need more water and care. We recommend you follow these steps:
1. Fill a clean, suitably sized vase up 3/4 with cold water (tap water is fine).
2. Remove the wrapping paper after first removing any decorative ribbon etc. Your bouquet is likely tied with twine under the paper - you can leave this in place to preserve the original shape of your bouquet or remove it - up to you.
3. Inspect the stems. If any greenery or leaves will be below the water line in the vase, remove them. This is important as anything sitting in the water other than the stems themselves can cause bacteria to enter the water as they breakdown and reduce the lifespan of your flowers.
4. Using clean, sharp secateurs (or scissors), trim the base of each stem diagonally (45 degrees).
5. Place the freshly cut flowers into the vase 3/4 filled with water.
6. Once per day, or at least every 2 days, empty the vase and fill 3/4 with fresh water. It's a good idea to give the stems a fresh cut again when doing this.
Your flowers will last as long as they can if you adhere to this advice.